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One positive thing about my week is that I have had volleyball every day, so I am getting way stronger and much better.  



Two ways to change a picture black and white is by moving the saturation all the way down or using grayscale and increase the contrast and clarity.  



In this photo I see a mother who looks disappointed and two kids hugging her, hiding their faces.  It is in black and white. The light comes from the right hand side and the left upper corner is dark. All of the shirts they are wearing have collars and are dirty.  They look dirty too.  



This is a black and white phtography with dark colors and light colors and gray.  There is a mom and two children with their heads on the mothers shoulder looking away from the camera.  The mom looks like she is thinking of something bad as she is looking out into the distance (looking to the left).  They all look dirty and are all wearing simular collared shirts.



The work makes me feel sad and mysterious.  The children are behind the mother and so they look scared as the moms face is very mysterious and scared looking.  This picture looks tragic.  They are all dirty and look like something bad happened.  This relates to the world because bad things happen in the world all the time.  There are people who are dirty and scared in this world just like the picture.



I think this work is a sucess.  I think this is a sucess because it is mysterious and so it has you wondering what happened, also it is a little dark so you feel the emotion.  This is just like most black and white pictures because they all have a story.  This work is original because it has a story, a differnt story then other pieces.  Also, where they are in this image is original and has you wondering why the two children are turned away.  I like this photo because it is different and deep.   


In this photo I see two people who look like they are about to kiss.  There are mirrors around them with their reflections.  It is black and white and they are sitting in a dark booth. The mirrors have lines and in the mirrors you only see about half of their faces because the lines cut it off.  In the right mirror you see the ladies face and another mirror behind that with both of them.  The lady has very dark lip stick on and her hand is up touching her hair/ear.  The man is facing away from us in real life but in the left mirror you can see his face.  His arm is around the lady and they are really close.



In this photography they use a lot of lines in the backround.  Some simularities used are with the mirrors. They have mirrors on both sides of them and in the mirrors there are mirrors ao that is being repeated.  There is a guy in a girl really close together looking like they are going to kiss so if I had to guess I would say that they are dating.



I think that in this photo the two people are in love.  This makes me feel happy for them because they look really happy and it is black and white so it makes the photo seem more intense which makes their love more intense.  



This peice makes me feel happy because they look really happy.  



I see a purple road going through a tunnel and trees everywhere.  This is a computer painting so it doesn't look real.  



The road has lines that leads to the tunnel.  There are no characters in this.  The story is just from the roads, tunnel, and trees.  



This work makes me feel a little mysterious because you don't know whwere the road goes.  This work doesn't really reltae to my life but the colored road reminds me of a movie. 



I think this is a failure because I personally don't think it is very interesting.  I think this peice is just a plain old painting. This work is original because it has a purple pathway and the rest fills the frame with trees, but it doesn't have a very complex story and I think it is boring.  




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